Tip for Discussing a Prenup

Tip for Discussing a Prenup

Love and marriage is a beautiful event; it’s the culmination of time spent together, working towards a common goal, and wanting to be with someone for all of your days. Two people uniting to build their piece in the world is unlike anything else and we always wish the...
What to Do if You Face Bankruptcy due to COVID-19

What to Do if You Face Bankruptcy due to COVID-19

There’s no way around it: here are strange and dizzying times. Millions of Americans are out of work due to COVID-19 and aren’t exactly sure what their next move financially will be. Granted, the government stimulus check is coming, and people can file for...
What Happens if You Break Quarantine?

What Happens if You Break Quarantine?

With much of the nation on lockdown, everyone is trying to find ways to cope with being cooped up day-after-day. Some are learning new hobbies and crafts, others are taking online courses and exercise regimens, and some are working from home 40 hours a week. If you’re...
The Dangers of Lane Splitting

The Dangers of Lane Splitting

It seems like every month there’s a new story of a bicyclist being struck while on the road by another vehicle. In some cases, the driver acted negligently and may have been speeding, inebriated/intoxicated, weaving, or distracted and caused the collision. In other...