Denver Personal Injury Attorney
If you are looking for a Denver personal injury attorney because you had a slip and fall accident, the law offices of Jarrett Benson can help you.
by IgniteTeam | Nov 30, 2016 | Slip and Fall Attorney
If you are looking for a Denver personal injury attorney because you had a slip and fall accident, the law offices of Jarrett Benson can help you.
Personal Injury Case Timeline
March 30InvestigationWe investigate the facts of the accident, the location, obtain photos and police reports, and take witness statements.
March 29ANALYZE INSURANCEWe immediately analyze your relevant property and health insurance policies to see what coverage applies to your case.
March 27CONTACT INSURANCEWe contact your insurance company and the other’s party’s insurance company. We do this right away.
March 26RESOLVE DAMAGESWe help you resolve any property damages and/or medical treatment. This may take weeks to months.
March 25SUMMARY OF DAMAGESWe collect all medical bills and reports, and records of wages lost, and we evaluate the damages.
March 24FULL EVALUATIONA full evaluation of your case is performed with you, usually after you’ve finished any needed medical care.
March 23BILLING INSURANCEWe send medical records and/or other damages and proof to the insurance companies.
March 22NEGOTIATIONWe attempt to negotiate an out-of-court settlement. This can take several months.
March 21DEPOSITIONSWe prepare written questions for the other side to answer, and we take depositions from the defendant and witnesses.
March 19DISCOVERYBoth sides investigate the facts of the case and examine all of the evidence in what is called the discovery process.
March 18EVIDENCEAfter providing the evidence of your claim and answering any written questions, we prepare you for your deposition, which we attend with you.
March 17TRIAL/ARBITRATIONWe prepare for and take the case to trial or arbitration once the date is set by the court.
March 16SETTLEMENTWe confirm your medical bills and liens are paid/resolved, and we distribute settlement funds to you.
March 15SETTLEMENT TIMINGSettlements can happen at any time during your case once you finish your medical care.